I recently completed my 11th installation, I should have 13 done by the end of March. Needless to say Naturally, of Course! is rolling. This"hair thang" has been a complete joy and I am very thankful to have great clients. My hair is schedule is getting very busy, sisterlocks is really considered part time for me, but I am working it like it is fulltime. On the weekends I am meeting with at least two clients a day. I am even working on my Mondays off and some evenings, but I love what I do. A weekend for me may include a install, a consultation, and a retightening. I literally have rechargeable batteries that keeps me going. And speaking of installs... let me get down to the pics....

I love the way that locks transition over time, so for those that are thinking of sisterlocks this is what you can look forward to: your initial install, settling in, and locks that have no choice but to grow. Below is a picture of client number 4. Her locks are almost 6 months old and are settling nicely. She is a joy to sit with every appointment.

Next is a new transfer client. Let me tell you... I have seen some beautiful locks, but OMG!!! I mean her grid was perfect, and her locks were perfect. Made me wanna cut my locks and get a second set,and take the greyhound every week to go up to New York and sit in Cynthia Webb's chair. She has wrote the book on PERFECTION! Guess how old her locks are... they are only two years old. WOWZERS! Talk about me and my lock envy.

Even though I have been working a whole lot, I do make time on my calender for family fun and outings. It was a joy to celebrate my moms birthday, we made sure she had special VIP treatment. And this weekend me and the hubby went to Atlantic City. I thought I would probably have to do school work all the way up there, but I had everything done. Last week I had retights everyday of the week and I managed my time wisely.
Your hair is beautiful!
I really enjoy your blog! I am just curious as to how you keep up w/ life? I know that you spoke of rechargable batteries but, you have a pretty full life and still manage to smile...& blog, to say the least. So, for your curious readers, is it possible for you to include an entry on how you juggle work/life balance, when you sleep, study, housework etc... Thanks in advance!
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