Lawdy. Well I know that God is not going to give me more that what I can bare. So
acceptance is where I am at with this. Well, that man done did it again. My antennas went up when I asked him one day did he want anything from the store. He replied, "Can you bring me back some
butter pecan ice cream". Of course I said, "Why the hell do you want
butter pecan." In a very nervous and
paranoid voice. He was just unsure why. At that very
moment I knew something was up. So here we were, waiting, an waiting, and it never came. I thought I would get all technological and buy a digital one this time around. Since to me they are new on the market. On Friday April 18, 2008, I did it, I took the test, and
dammit do you know what it said. "Oh Hell" was my first reaction, and off to work I went. I left early on
Friday too. My hubby was home and I thought it was nice to spend the day together. We sat around watched some TV, I threw a couple of subtle hints in there, and finally he figured it out. I showed him the little stick, and all he can say is "I want a girl". What I said was , "what you need is to get neutered". Stick a fork in me cause I am done.
On Monday morning I went to get a blood test, and the blood test confirmed it for me. The kids are super excited, and I am just trying to get through the acceptance phase. Now when I am prego, I can be a real B%&*# so he knows to watch out for me. The heat in the summer, oh my goodness.
I am sure my hair is going to grow like weeds, and no more splurging at the MAC counter for me. This will make baby #4. Now I think I might have spent just too much time out of my adult life pregnant. Not including this baby, I have already spent 27 months pregnant. WHOA! I think I am about 6 to 7 weeks. It's going to be a Christmas baby. Thank goodness, I can celebrate christmas and b-day together. The boys want another brother, and my daughter wants a sister. I wouldn't mind having another girl too.