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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sorry, It's been a minute

Ok, so this post will be completely random. I noticed that I hadn't post since April and we are now in June.  Sorry, a lot of life has been happening, nothing major, just the usual.  We are doing a lot of remodeling to the house.  I curse the fool that put that Wallpaper up in my bathroom.  GRRR!  Wall paper is pure evil.

Speaking of pure evil... so is lint in your locks.  OMG!  the back of my head was horrible.  I always get the question: "How do you handle lint in your locks?" My answer has always been the key to lint is to avoid it (PERIOD)!!!  I did some research on line and read about this volcanic clay that helps pull lint out of your locks.  This was truly an experiment for me. 

I tried it, thought it got the lint out, but when my hair dried, it was like "hello lint, nice to see you again." LMBO.  It may work for some people, or for those that don't have extreme cases (like me).  Anywho... take a look at what I did.  You can google and get recipes on line, and YouTube has a wealth of information. 
However, I did try it as a facial mask, and it felt like it was pulling the impurities out of my face (good thing). But my answer to the million dollar question on lint.... JUST AVOID IT! Cover your locks at night, be mindful of the things you wear, wash your locks as needed, and when your tired of seeing the little tiny white specks of lint. DYE YOUR LOCKS! I ended up just dying my locks a week later (pics to come soon)

 I did a head count and I can't believe I am up to 22 clients.  Amazing!  I can't believe it myself.  I have also taken on quite a few transfer clients, I am just finding myself more and more within good company. I am planning on doing something special for all of them coming this August. For now I will keep the details under lock and key, but look out for that post.

Here is a before shot of a transfer client

After sitting in my chair :)
Currently, I have room on my calendar for August lock establishments.  I haven't ran a promotion since April.  I am trying to decide if I should do one for August. 

Kids are doing great, my son graduates from Elementary school on Monday.  He recently had a saxophone solo, he did wonderful.  Kenny G, better watch out...

School just started back up for me and I am taking two classes this semester.  So, far so good.  The classes that I am enrolled in aren't difficult, but the key is staying on top of assignments, and giving it my all.  I  am going to push for A's but I am happy with a B.  Ok back to studying....