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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Almost Did It ;)

I was tempted two weeks ago. I took Friday off and had a 3 day weekend from my 1st job. On On that friday I told my daughter that we was gonna take out her cornrows and wash her hair, and do it up again. She does her normal cry out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". She then goes on to say that she hates having to get her hair done every two weeks. By accident I slipped up and said, "well if you had your hair like mines, then we wouldn't have to do it until every 6 weeks". She then said, "well I want my hair like yours". I'm saying to myself naughty, naughty mommy. It was by impulse only that she made that comment. Well, we get started on her hair and she asked if it could be put in 4 ponytails, of course I was like No, it's not gonna last. She said you gonna do it like yours then, I explained to her that my hair doesn't come out, and that we was gonna cornrow it again. Boy, I tell yah... sho nuff was about to part her hair in section and put in some braidloc's. As if my husband would have let me do it. My Minnie Me has got to want them, I mean really want them for me to do them for her. I had a conversation about braidlocks with "Superwoman" AKA my consultant. She gave me good advice, one being this... as her mother, I shouldn't be afraid to do for her hair what I would do for mine. I will keep that in mind, meanwhile.... baby girl better not tempt me again. LOL!


Trina said...

OOOOO you are so good Lakia! I would have been parting that hair up going to town installing some sisterlocks in my baby's hair so fast. LOL!! I hear what you are saying about her really wanting them. If she asks again I know you will be posting some pics of her newly installed braidlocs. LOL!

~jaiDalon~ said...

You know, one cool thing about starting locks with braids is that typically they take longer to actually begin to lock so you could install them for her and test them out for a few months and if she changed her mind and wanted them out you could remove them for her. I had my first set of locks for 15 months when I decided to take them down. By then they'd began to lock up so it was difficult but I was still able to "undo" them with some patience. I ended up shopping them off for personal reasons but I could have continued to take them out. Hope this is helpful. Goodluck.

SeZ said...

Yeah having a little girl has to be stressful at times with the hair combing. We don't want to comb our own hair. :-)
Maybe doing the small single braids will last longer. Not braids locks but just braids that can be taken down every month and give her the feel of moving her hair and deciding if locking is to early for her.

Salt-n-Pepper Diva said...

See Lakia, she just wants to look like her mommie!
I wish I had had sister locks when I was a child, would have made day to day life so much easier!

Allecia said...

I've already told my DH that if we have daughters and their hair is anything like mine, they will have sisterlocks by the age of 10. And he's ok with it! But I suppose that has something to do with never having seen or dealt with this hair texture for 23 years of his life and then to suddenly find himself taking out braids and dealing with hot combs. I'm sure its not something he ever wants to relive.