Lawdy. Well I know that God is not going to give me more that what I can bare. So
acceptance is where I am at with this. Well, that man done did it again. My antennas went up when I asked him one day did he want anything from the store. He replied, "Can you bring me back some
butter pecan ice cream". Of course I said, "Why the hell do you want
butter pecan." In a very nervous and
paranoid voice. He was just unsure why. At that very
moment I knew something was up. So here we were, waiting, an waiting, and it never came. I thought I would get all technological and buy a digital one this time around. Since to me they are new on the market. On Friday April 18, 2008, I did it, I took the test, and
dammit do you know what it said. "Oh Hell" was my first reaction, and off to work I went. I left early on
Friday too. My hubby was home and I thought it was nice to spend the day together. We sat around watched some TV, I threw a couple of subtle hints in there, and finally he figured it out. I showed him the little stick, and all he can say is "I want a girl". What I said was , "what you need is to get neutered". Stick a fork in me cause I am done.
On Monday morning I went to get a blood test, and the blood test confirmed it for me. The kids are super excited, and I am just trying to get through the acceptance phase. Now when I am prego, I can be a real B%&*# so he knows to watch out for me. The heat in the summer, oh my goodness.
I am sure my hair is going to grow like weeds, and no more splurging at the MAC counter for me. This will make baby #4. Now I think I might have spent just too much time out of my adult life pregnant. Not including this baby, I have already spent 27 months pregnant. WHOA! I think I am about 6 to 7 weeks. It's going to be a Christmas baby. Thank goodness, I can celebrate christmas and b-day together. The boys want another brother, and my daughter wants a sister. I wouldn't mind having another girl too.
Awww congratulations!!!!! Baby #4? You are my hero.
Hi! I've been following your Sisterlocks journey. Congratulations on the addition to your family!
-Julie :)
I must say betta YOU than ME!!!!! Congrats, Congrats, Congrats....I hope you have a smooth and problem-free pregnancy.
Congrats! I can't wait to get my tribe started.
WOW! Congratulations!
I am mad you suggested that your husband get neutered. lmao.
Wowwwwwww. When I read the title, I guessed it. Congrats, lady! Just think of it this way, when you're old, that's one more to take care of you. At least that's what my father says when he mentions he wants grandchildren....
Oh wow..Congrads on the new addition. I went out and got an I.U.D. after your post talking about them. I thought yes that's the answer. It sounds like it is growing on ya. At least you don't have to worry about your hair during the pregnancy. Also you get to eat now without worrying and get fit again before summer comes back.
Sending you a cyber hug.
Congratulations!!!! Babies are a blessing. But I must say I am glad that mine are 21 and 16! Whew!!!! Almost a empty nester. LOL!!! God bless you and your family. I have been checking your blog to check out your hair. Now I will check on the hair and the baby! :-)
I've been away for awhile and I came back to this wonderful news...
Congratulations!! What a great Christmas present he or she will be.
I think it's wonderful news! Congratulations!
Wow Congratulations! 4, you go girl! Christmas babies are wonderful! (Since I am one too!)
congratulations. i hope you have a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and even more healthy relationship with the child. :-)
CONGRATS!!!! Best wishes to you and baby whatever sex it is!
As Ususal I'm late!
Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! Children are such a blessing. I hope that you and the baby remain healthy and all is well. Take Care
Awww Congratulations!!!! and acceptance is good, at least your Locs will grow super fast over the next 9 months!!! LOL Be Blessed!
First...CONGRATULATIONS and many blessings!! Second - as a Christmas baby myself...PLEASE do not combine birthday and Christmas gifts! It's not fair!! LOL. Just my 2cents...
Ahh! Congratulations! Children truly are blessings from God! Congrats again!
Oh my gooderness!! Congrats to you and your family.
Thanks everyone. I just received a kind and encouraging e-mail from a fellow locked sister. She made me realize that to continue to count my blessings. Some individuals are not able to conceive or have difficulty in conceiving. On the hand, my husband only has to think about "sex" and I get pregnant. I will count each day as a blessing and await our little bundle of joy.
Gurllll....well, you do yo thang!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
I know this is late but,
Congrats to you and your family!
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