OK,... yesterday I went to get my hair blown out for the last time and my birthday is tomorrow (happy birthday to me!). I normally go to this
Dominican place in Silver Spring, those girls know how to work a round brush.
I had my two starter locks in and they were forming fine, I even had a lot of new growth. They were just put in on August 18
When I went to get shampooed, I show the shampooer the locks so that she would not comb it. She said
OK, and started combing it any way.
GRRRR. I had to constantly tell her to stop! Then I went to get my rollers put in, I showed her too, and told her do not comb it out, just roll it in with the rollers. She said OK, then she took this fine tooth comb and kept combing them. I told her not to, and that I was suppose to keep them in, she says
OK, and started combing again. I kept telling her that I want to keep them for my locks, she then said that it was a knots in my hair and proceeded to comb. At this point I had to brace myself from not knocking her out. She said that dreads will damage my hair and my hair was too pretty for them, by this time she had the first one out. She then said that she will stop combing them.
I took a look at my hair when I got home and there is one half of a lock left. This lady ripped my hair out of my head, you can see the hair from where it came out from the root. The side of my head is aching like all hell.
This experience has helped me reaffirm that I definitely want to have my
sisterlocks. She was blasting that dreads will ruin my hair, but yet for a simple wash and set, this lady has ripped my hair out from the root, now that is damage. October 8, 9, and 10 HERE I COME!!