Word to the wise** When choosing a consultant, make sure you know how much they charge for re tightenings. Knowing this information was a plus factor for me. I made sure that I scheduled my appointments for the entire year. My consultant is good, and I think all of Baltimore knows it. She does sisterlocks and traditional locks, so here schedule is pretty tight.
My hair feels tight, but not to the point where it hurts. The only time that I felt discomfort was when she was tightening up my kitchen and my headline, especially around my ears. My scalp is showing again, and my hair is looking much neater.
I know that the size of the locks are an issue for some sisterlock wearers and to some of those who are contemplating on converting their hair. So I wanted to know, "what size locks do I have? I was told that I have a complete mixture of small, medium and large. She told me that we are suppose to have the different sizes, small in some places and larger one in others. My parts are uniform and during the initial install she made a neat parted grid.
I have been very pleased with my consultant and her level of professionalism. She is actually outside of where I live, but I work far from home and she is about 15 minutes from my first job.
I am loving my hair, most of my family has not seen my new look, and I am sure they will be shocked to see it on Thanksgiving.
Your hair seems to be coming along great! Your makeup is always pretty too!
I am glad that your re-tightening went well, although you don't look real happy in the first pic.
I was still feeling the tightness in my scalp. My head feels much better now.
Congrats on making it to 6 weeks! It's uphill from here.
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