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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

She Is On-A-Roll

The third grade is the first grade level where they receive actually letter grades on their report cards. Baby girl, and in fact all of the kids have done well this year. We recently went to my little "Minnie-Me" Honor Roll assembly. We are so proud of her, she was so excited about making the honor roll too. I can't wait till the day that she makes Principal's Honor Roll.

Sometimes I think this blog is becomming more and more about her. Here is a picture of her holding her certificate. I even framed it and I am anxiously awaiting to frame more of them as she gets them.


Amba said...

Aaw!! Congratulations. You have one lovely and smart daughter! May your wall soon have no space for any more certificates!! God bless. And I loved the soft spike set.

Anonymous said...

She's adorable. I'm sure many more honor rolls will come..

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

spoken like a proud momma and im proud for u and her too

SeZ said...

Oh look at the baby smiling and she looks so proud. Having photos taken of her greatness will make her continue to reach for her dreams. Girl Power!

Salt-n-Pepper Diva said...

What a Cutie! I know that you and your DH have to be so proud of her! I am sure there will be many more honor rolls to come.