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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mahogany or black?

Mahogany or black? I want to color my hair, usually its black... well it has been black for atleast for 6 months. I can see some reddish brown in my hair from the summer time sun rays. When my hair is black, I like it to be pitch black and nothing in between. I was also thinking that because I am getting my locks, my hair will naturally lighten, so... what about a brown. I was in the beauty supply store, yet again (second day in row), and saw a mahogany henna and bought it.
Since this past Sunday my hair has been in a pony tail without anything in it, just streaky clean because I have not decided what color to dye my hair or if I should dye it at all. It may sound silly but this is a very very hard decision for me to make. Stay tuned to see what I decide....

1 comment:

Naturalist1 said...

Try Mahogany. I think it would look nice.